It's been a long week. It's tuesday.
Sunday dawning washin away all adolescent hangovers about love and need. The alcohol induced one hung around till lunch time, placated with coffees and springrolls.
Sitting in the shadow of the gap I tell my sisters about my revelations, about the moment I looked deep enough to see how shallow the stream really was. Cleansed by dipping a toe in. All this years of confusion lifted in a single sentence.
Funny how naked boys can do that.
Monday morning saw west macdonnald long drives, all hypothetical about professional developmet, health workers with hangovers and impromptu meetings. By three pm I was asleep on the couch, dreaming of that thin slither silver moon I saw chasing the milky way as she stretched over my backyard.
Then that night came the dreams; layered distortions of yum cha and city streets and making excuses for my illiterate faux pas.
And today.
more driving, more card reading, round table divination surrounded by burnt out nurses.
now the house is silent. I am searching for company and fried food.