Tuesday, December 27, 2011

99 beautiful moments: a study

And I will go where the wind blows, even if its just round on circles. I will whistle like the pines when it blows through me. I will quiver when it whips round my limbs. I will foam and crest like the waves when it rides within me, licking the place where the earth meets the sea.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

99 beautiful moments: a study

From distant voygages we return to our moorings, the apocolypse dance of the lighthouse behind us. Salt encrusted and sun drenched, our bodies sinewed by sea shores so distant we forgot the language for home. And for the last time we drop anchor. And it rests on the bones of our ancestors. And we remember the celestial beauty lost on functionality. Our hearts no longer seek guidence from the heavens. We are lost no more.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

99 beautiful moments: a study

on descent

every wave that crashes must eventually return to the water.

when all is exhaled in that eventual pounding, the truth is formless and enters the abyss.
each foaming crest, each concaved roll, must eventually lick it's descent.

and it is this gesture that erases our footprints, making sand from stone

Thursday, December 15, 2011

99 beautiful moments: a study

as the road forks

we emerge unscathed, if a little ruffled
the year drones into long hot days

gratitude shows up at just the right moment,
late at night, drinking whiskey alone.

now all that I have has been divided
some years discarded, some given away

in the echoing undulations of time
each triumph opens onto a vista

cultivating grace in rocky terrains
I am humbled by my gentler kin